Subcontracting (English)
Sous-traitance (francais)
Beispiele / Exemples / Examples
Was wir von Ihnen brauchen
Uns kontaktieren / Contacting us
Impressum & AGB

We ensure local product support at technical and commercial levels for a group of part suppliers in Asia, Europe and the USA.We provide the following components to companies in Europe:                                         

- Castings in grey iron, nodular iron, steel, rough & finish-machined 

- Diecastings in aluminium and zinc alloys

- Permanent mould (gravity) castings

- Forgings

- Stampings

We can take care of all of the  details involved in getting the components made for you and shipped to a location of your choice.

To start,  we require a part drawing, an indication of quanties needed and point of delivery.  You will receive a quotation rapidly. 
